Jun 4, 2020Liked by Alexandra Glorioso

I know the word blog - it rhymes with bog and fog, 2 things forever within this Caoe Cod girl - but I’ve never subscribed to one. Now the world is on fire, and I want to run and hide .... instead I’m forcing myself to do new things. Like use linked in.

I have yet to twittet or snap a chat. I still don’t watch TV. Sone days my disappointment at what life is , as I arrive soon at 66, is overwhelming. But I like sunflowers. I liked you the instant I met you, when I said Im taking this path and you said ok, you’d go with me. I think I’d like to travel along this path you’ve chosen. We never stop learning - even when we think we may want to.

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May 16, 2020Liked by Alexandra Glorioso

I had wondered whether this was really primarily a therapeutic exercise for you - in which case the answer is a) it doesn’t matter and b) people who know you and your story and care about you. But that’s not an answer that helps build a business model.

I think beyond that, people who want to understand what you are experiencing. That could be others who have been through what you have; it could also be spouses and friends of those who have.

And beyond that, I think there’s a large percentage of people who long for authentic human connection and are drawn to people who can speak eloquently and honestly to their most vulnerable selves.

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May 16, 2020Liked by Alexandra Glorioso

what if you don't like or don't approve the reasons somebody reads it? would you still write and cater to such reader? Along the same lines - why do you care who and why?

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